At Sai Lau Kok Garden, where people converge, the stories of Tsuen Wan come to life as Coolman’s beloved cartoon character Spesh guides his friends on their inaugural journey to explore the neighbourhood's diversity and vibrancy.
Tsuen Wan is known as the "City of Footbridges," where citizens often commute through the interconnected elevated walkways. Coolman Coffeedan has been captivated by Tsuen Wan’s multi-faceted characters. At Sai Lau Kok Garden which is a focal point of the neighbourhood, he re-creates stories about Tsuen Wan in the project "Coolman x Tsuen Wan", inviting visitors to explore the hidden gems of Tsuen Wan through his artwork.
The beloved cartoon character, Spesh leads his friends on their inaugural adventure to Tsuen Wan, exploring the neighbourhood’s diversity and vibrancy. As they marvel at the stunning installations depicting Tsuen Wan’s landmarks—from serene temples to the tallest building in the district—they take a charming detour to Spesh’s coffee shop for a refreshing break. Following their delightful stop, they continue their journey, delving into the historical charm of the Sam Tung Uk Museum before heading to Shing Mun Country Park to admire fluttering butterflies.
Coolman's creations are always filled with childlike innocence and imagination. The adorable characters are intertwined in different aspects of life and culture, playing various interesting roles throughout their journey in Tsuen Wan. From learning to weave traditional Hakka textiles, to tasting freshly baked pineapple buns, to enjoying the communal atmosphere of a hot pot restaurant, Spesh and his friends invite visitors to immerse themselves in Coolman’s universe brimming with positive energy. Through interactive artwork that fills the leisure space with joyous atmospheres and resonates with the local culture, they create lasting memories with visitors while celebrating the unique flavours and traditions of Tsuen Wan.
The beloved cartoon character, Spesh leads his friends on their inaugural adventure to Tsuen Wan, exploring the neighbourhood’s diversity and vibrancy. As they marvel at the stunning installations depicting Tsuen Wan’s landmarks—from serene temples to the tallest building in the district—they take a charming detour to Spesh’s coffee shop for a refreshing break. Following their delightful stop, they continue their journey, delving into the historical charm of the Sam Tung Uk Museum before heading to Shing Mun Country Park to admire fluttering butterflies.
Coolman's creations are always filled with childlike innocence and imagination. The adorable characters are intertwined in different aspects of life and culture, playing various interesting roles throughout their journey in Tsuen Wan. From learning to weave traditional Hakka textiles, to tasting freshly baked pineapple buns, to enjoying the communal atmosphere of a hot pot restaurant, Spesh and his friends invite visitors to immerse themselves in Coolman’s universe brimming with positive energy. Through interactive artwork that fills the leisure space with joyous atmospheres and resonates with the local culture, they create lasting memories with visitors while celebrating the unique flavours and traditions of Tsuen Wan.